Next Steps

Get Connected at Cross Roads!
We’d love to spend some time with you in worship and work beside you as we serve the people in our church and community.
Check out the multiple ways you can serve, and we’ll be happy to plug you in.
Also, make sure you check out our New Member Class where you will learn about our church, and maybe even learn something about yourself.
Come join us!
Kevin Halle
Associate Pastor

New Member Class
Get to know Cross Roads Baptist Church
If you are interested in learning more about who we are and what we believe, you're invited to attend our new member class. We'll tell you more about all of our ministries and answer all of your questions.
There’s always a place for you!
9:00 am Worship
10:30 am Sunday School
5:30 pm Wednesday Night Supper
6:15 pm Children’s Church
6:30 pm Student Worship Service
Ladies Bible Study
Prayer Meeting
Sundays 10:30 am Sunday School
Wednesdays 6:30 pm Children’s Church
Sundays 10:30 am Sunday School
Wednesdays 6:30 pm Student Worship Service
Sundays 5:00 pm Choir Rehearsal
Come join our Choir or Praise Team!
Every 2nd Monday of the Month 11:00 am Fellowship meal/devotion/mission projects
Every 3rd Monday of the Month 6:00 pm Sr. Adult Game Night
JOY Women’s Ministry is a ministry that began in honor of Joy Huff. Joy was a faithful member of Cross Roads Baptist Church from 1995 until her passing September 2004. She began many mission projects within our church over the years as a member; Upward Basketball, Wednesday Night Suppers (to raise funds for missions), international mission trips to Mexico and Romania, national mission trips and more. Joy’s servant heart lived on through her daughters, Kessie Key and Melissa Stringer, who are both faithful members of CRBC.
Our women’s ministry is open to any lady within our church body that wants to show others Jesus through acts of service. We host multiple events throughout the year for ladies of all ages. Join us in shining our light for Jesus. Matthew 5:16
Every 4th Sunday of the Month 7:15 am Brotherhood Breakfast/Bible Study